Digital skills opens new doors
Derek returns to an industry he loves thanks to the Restart Scheme
Derek Ramsaroup is celebrating his new role in the travel industry, after being supported by our funded CPN courses.
After being unemployed for over a year, Derek joined the Restart Scheme in January 2022.
The Scheme is being delivered across South and East London, including in Redbridge where Maximus is working with Get Set UK to help people into sustainable employment.
Derek, 59, had been working in the travel industry for over 15 years when he was made redundant during the pandemic.
He said: “I ideally wanted to return to work in the travel industry, however Covid hit that sector very hard which left very few job opportunities for a long time.”
Once he was on the Scheme, his Employment Advisor, Marnie, gave him tailored support to enable a return to the sector he loved.
Reflecting on the help he received, Derek said: “Marnie was very helpful. She enrolled me onto a Digital Skills course, which I found extremely useful and interesting.
“She also encouraged me to study the modules on the Maximus Employment Support Hub, which is an outstanding resource that I will carry on using.”
Marnie said: “I was so impressed with Derek’s attitude towards getting work. He was enthusiastic about the Digital Skills training provided by one of our Community Partnership Network (CPN) partners.
“This helped him with his digital profile and created a networking opportunity with a previous employer. There are always new opportunities created when opening doors and engaging with people, while this shows the benefits of our free skills training goes way beyond the classroom.”
The CPN is a long-term partnership between organisations in the public, private and third sectors. At a regional level, this support enabled Derek to access skills and training to help in his job search.
Derek has now started work as a Product Executive for an independent travel agency and is enjoying being back in the industry he knows and loves.
Derek said: “The Restart Scheme has helped me to stay engaged on a daily basis, encouraging me to maintain a regular routine whilst I found work. I would thoroughly recommend the Scheme to anyone looking for new ways to help with a return to employment.”