Entering the world of work
First job success for Sam
Sam Rowan from Barnsley has taken his first step on the career ladder in his first ever job thanks to the support he received on the Restart Scheme.
Sam, 27, joined the Scheme in October 2021. After leaving education nine years ago, Sam became a stay-at-home dad.
The Restart Scheme is being delivered across South Yorkshire by our partners The Growth Company.
As a single father to two young children, Sam’s main barrier to getting into work was childcare. Samuel’s CV was a blank canvas – and his lack of work history, transferrable skills and interview experience also played a large part in his struggles in getting into employment.
Sam’s Growth Company Employment Advisor Mark set out to first support him with his childcare needs. Mark and the team provided information and advice as to the childcare options, and Sam researched his options online. Thanks to this research, Sam found a solution that would work for him and enable him flexibility to get out to work. Mark also made sure to target roles which were flexible around Sam’s childcare commitments, but also who were willing to recruit individuals with little or no work experience.
Sam attended several job club sessions, where he reviewed available vacancies, and to boost his basic skills, he attended courses on Mathematics and English whilst on the Restart Scheme. Sam and Mark worked together to ensure that meetings accommodated his training.
At one of their meetings, Mark and Sam discussed a Housekeeping Assistant vacancy, and Sam asked to be put forward for the role.
The Growth Company’s Employer Engagement Consultant worked with the employer and arranged an interview.
Sam headed in to his first ever interview and put into practice the skills and advice he had acquired on the Scheme.
His interview was a success. The employer offered Sam a trial shift to see what the job entails – a day that Sam says he really enjoyed.
On completion of this trial shift, he secured a permanent role. And in more great news for Sam, his new role is flexible around his childcare commitments, allowing him to work part time whilst still caring for his two young children.
Sam started his new job in April.
Sam said: “As a single parent I thought it would be too difficult to find work, but the Restart Scheme provided me with childcare options and helped me to find my first job. Since the Restart Scheme was recommended to me it has made it a lot easier to find work. Since starting my new job I am enjoying the new experience.”